East Texas
The lease area is located along the Mexia-Talco fault zone which is the western margin of the East Texas embayment,
a negative feature within the Gulf Coast Geosyncline.
Navarro County
The lease area is located along the Mexia-Talco fault zone which is the western margin of the East TX embayment, a negative feature within the Gulf Coast Geosyncline. The embayment is flanked on the east by the Sabine uplift.
The northern and western boundaries of the embayment are approximately defined by the Balcones, Mexia-Talco and the South Arkansas fault zone.
- Play is defined by Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene Sandstones which is bounded updip by the regional Peripheral fault zones
- Reservoirs are primarily deltaic and shelfal sandstones
- Traps are structural and occur on fault, anticlines, faulted anticlines, basement structures and salt structures.
- Play contains 25 oil reservoir with a median size Of 9.5 MMBO and five gas reservoir with a median size of 119 BCF

Leon & Houston County
Alabama Ferry Field
Field is located in Leon &Houston County of Texas.
The field is near the southern limit of the East Texas salt basin, lying approximately 25mi(40km) northwest of the upper Glen Rose shelf margin reef trend.
Developed to exploit the Upper Glenrose which has cumulative production of 36.8 mmbo and 149 bcf gas.
The glenrose is a limestone reservoir with hydrocarbons trapped thorugh NW to SE monoclinal dipping beds.
The uplift creates fractures systems which support the production in the Glenrose and what we believe will be productive sections in the Buda/ Gorgetown.
Project Objectives
Develop/Exploit the Woodbine (Eaglebine) and other stacked potential payzones, which has yet to be completed on a large scale within the AFU Hilcorp tract comprising of approximately 14,000+- acres and 85 wells.
Current production in active field is approximately 10 bopd (8/8ths). Minimal cashflow is expected at current oil prices from existing production.
The woodbine will be exploited initially with uphole recompletions in existing wellbores, keeping development costs down. Offsetting operators in the field in 2018 have completed 2 successful vertical initial tests (40 bopd stimulated 10ft of perf and 10 bopd unstimulated) in the woodbine with minimal completions and 10-15ft of perforations. Woodbine in this area has a net thickness of 140-160ft and 10-15% porosity. Expected reserves for the Woodbine in the area of interest are +20MMBOIP.
Lookalike development to the southeast in the Ft Trinidad Field and the Halliday field to the west is analogous structurally to the Hilcorp acreage in the Alabama Ferry Field. Economic returns are favorable, even at $40 oil.

Madison County
This field is the westward extension of Fort Trinidad field located in eastern Madison county at the south side of the East Texas Embayment , some 5 miles south-east of Madiosonville, Texas.
Field is producing from Buda limestone and Glenrose fomration.
Two Wells from the two leases has collectivey produced 160,000 barrels of oil since July 2015.
Current production is 80 barrels per day.